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Revive Your Gut

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DG Protect - 60 Capsules

Clinical Applications

  • Promotes Healthy Gluten and Dairy Digestion
  • Supports Gastrointestinal Comfort and Function
  • Relieves Bloating or Gas due to Gluten and Dairy Consumption
  • Targeted Enzyme Support for Food Sensitivities


DG Protect is a uniquely designed digestive enzyme targeted to help maintain healthy gluten and dairy digestion. DG Protect includes both endopeptidase and exopeptidase activity chosen for their ability to hydrolyze gluten proteins, as well as a unique mixture of protease enzymes and lactase to assist the digestion of multiple constituents of dairy products.

GI Revive® - 210 Capsules

GI Revive® offers comprehensive support for optimum gastrointestinal health and function. The lining of the gut must have proper permeability and integrity not only so it can absorb nutrients, but also to prevent toxins, allergens, and microbes from gaining access to the bloodstream. Maintaining gut health is the key to maintaining overall wellness.*

InflammaCORE | Vanilla Chai 14 Servings

Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s immune response, a cascade triggered to protect the body and maintain normal tissue repair. Acute inflammation is the body’s initial response to harmful stimuli in which plasma and immune cells are relocated from the blood into injured tissues. This movement is followed by a cascade of biochemical events which advance the normal inflammatory response. When inflammation is prolonged, it leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue. It is essential to maintain normal inflammatory balance to achieve optimal health.